Articles Posted in Injuries

New-NJ-Boating-Laws-PI-blog-300x200Just as motorists are obliged to follow the rules of the road, boaters have laws to follow, too. For example, vessel operators can be cited if they fail to obey posted speed limits or adhere to right-of-way passing rules, or if they operate their vessels while under the influence, just like motorists can be. These laws and others like them are intended to help prevent accidents and keep the waterways safe for all to enjoy.

With summer now in full swing, there are plenty of opportunities to take to the water. Before you launch your boat, though, make sure you are up-to-date on all the rules affecting you, including two new laws recently passed in New Jersey regarding the use of boats and other personal watercrafts. To learn more, read “Two New Boating Laws in NJ You Absolutely Need to Know About.”

Backyard gas grills with food and smoke; grilling mistakes that can lead to serious injury.The unofficial start of summer is just around the corner and for many of us that means it’s time to fire up the backyard grill. Moving the cooking outdoors gives us more time to enjoy these longer days with family and friends, but these friendly gatherings can quickly turn tragic if you fail to use caution.

There are several common mistakes people make – from the way they start their grills to the way they clean them – that can easily result in property damage and/or bodily injury. To avoid turning your next backyard barbeque into a hospital trip, read “Grilling Mistakes Some in NJ Make That May Cause Explosion.”

Mishandled Botox injections could lead to serious injuries.Whether due to the influence of social media or sheer vanity, many people today – men and women, alike – are obsessed with looking younger. Capitalizing on this, there is an abundance of products and treatments on the market today that promise users a means to hitting pause on the aging process. Botox injections, said to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, are one such treatment.

In addition to its cosmetic applications, Botox has a number of FDA-approved medical uses. It has proven effective in treating certain chronic conditions, including migraines, excessive muscle contractions, and overactive bladders, when administered by licensed professionals. However, in the hands of unlicensed and untrained providers, the results could be quite different, leading to serious injury. This was evident recently when several people, including some from New Jersey, were given questionable Botox treatments. For more information, read “19 Hospitalized from Botched Botox Shots Sold in NJ, Elsewhere: CDC.”

EV fires becoming more common, posing risk of injuries from burns, electric shock and toxic fumes.Electronic vehicles (EVs) are quickly growing in popularity. Although they are said to be more environmentally friendly than their gas-powered counterparts, these vehicles are not without risks of their own.

Recent reports state that EV fires are becoming more commonplace and are extremely dangerous, posing risk of injuries not only from burns, but also from electric shock and toxic fumes. Why are these fires more difficult to battle than ordinary car fires? Read “Dangerous EV Fires Becoming More Common in New Jersey” to find out.

Pedestrian-fatalities-PI-blog-300x200According to a recent study, pedestrian fatalities in this country have increased more than 50% since 2012. What’s more, the study found that New Jersey’s roads are the most dangerous for pedestrians, with pedestrian deaths accounting for 30.3% of all traffic accident fatalities in the State, compared with a national rate of 17.3%.

What’s behind this national increase in pedestrian deaths? According to the study, it’s a combination of factors including more people choosing walking over driving and more distractions, particularly cell phones, taking people’s attention away from their surroundings. But there are things both drivers and pedestrians can do to increase the safety of our roads. For some tips, read “New Jersey has the most dangerous roads for pedestrians.”

Man carving turkey at Thanksgiving table. Tips for avoiding Holiday accidents.Thanksgiving is just a week away. If you’re hosting this year’s feast for family and friends, you’re most likely consumed with planning the menu to make sure your guests are well-fed. But while you’re at it, don’t neglect their safety … or yours.

This holiday has the dubious distinction of being the number one day for home cooking fires as well as ranking among the top 10 deadliest days to drive. Paying close attention to these and other hidden holiday hazards can help avoid accidental injury to yourself or your guests. For a list of Thanksgiving safety tips to consider, read “The Most Common Thanksgiving Safety Hazards and How to Protect Your Family.”

Orange jack-o-lantern buckets with Halloween candy held by children in costumes.The frights and thrills associated with Halloween are meant to be in good fun. Children dress in costumes and venture past the witches, ghosts and goblins that haunt their neighborhoods for the night, to be rewarded with candy and other edible treats. But, for children with food allergies, those treats can lead to serious injury.

Reading the ingredients on food packaging labels doesn’t always tell the whole story. Understanding the manufacturing process can be just as important as knowing the ingredients when it comes to avoiding allergens. For example, did you know that those miniature candies so popular this time of year might not be the same as their full-size counterparts?

To learn what you can do to make sure all the ghouls and goblins who ring your doorbell this Halloween can safely enjoy their treats, read “Avoid a Food Allery Scare on Halloween.”

Island wildfire and other natural disasters bring out scam artists to prey on those who want to helpNatural disasters like the recent wildfires in Hawaii have a way of bringing people together. It is common for those not directly affected by the devastation to want to reach out and help those who have lost so much. But while events like these bring out the best in some people, they also bring out the worst in others.

Scam artists often use news of destruction to prey on people looking to offer monetary aid to those directly affected. There are ways, however, that you can help without becoming a victim yourself.  For tips on how to avoid playing into scam artists’ schemes when attempting to help victims of the Hawaii fires or any other natural disaster read, “NJ Attorney General: Help Hawaii Fire Victims Without Being Scammed.”

Child and parent riding bikes at sunsetThe U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recently announced a recall of children’s bicycles due to a defect that causes the handlebars and stem of the bike to loosen or, in some cases, detach from the frame. To date, this defect has resulted in about 19 reported injuries.

The recall affects more than 80,000 bikes manufactured by woom Bikes USA and designed for children ranging in age from toddler to 14 years. For additional information concerning this recall and the bicycles affected, read “Thousands of children’s bicycles recalled after reports of handlebars detaching.”

Scams perpetrated by cell phone calls from unknown callersScammers are becoming increasingly more cunning and sophisticated in their attempts to extract personal information and/or money from their victims. According to the Federal Trade Commission, nearly $5.8 billion was lost in 2021 to scams, up 70% from the previous year. And that’s just from the scams that were reported.

Often victims of scams are too embarrassed to admit they had been taken, or simply don’t know where to report the crime. Many of these victims are seniors who can ill afford to lose their retirement savings. Regardless of your age or status, being robbed of personal information or money through fraudulent means can be devastating. There are steps you can take to protect yourself. To learn more read, “Most Common Consumer Scams in NJ – And How To Protect Yourself.”

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